Website Redesign
CSL Dallas
Large Progressive Church Website Redesign

We had the honor to work with CSLDallas on their website redesign project back in 2015, and have stayed their close partner since. CSLDallas has a heart for their community, and that was evident on their website. They engaged in a full-scale redesign in 2019 to get their backend platform up to date and make edits and maintenance easier for both their internal staff an to reduce development costs when our help was needed.
This updated site works to show the many ways to become involved (circles, events, classes), the institute, and most importantly, their youth ministry. We also focused on not creating a site that felt ‘just like every other church website,’ so you’ll see evidence of unusual and alternative layout patterns throughout.
Their ‘Journey Of Youth’ (JOY) Village section needed a complete overhaul as well so that parents and visitors alike could stay informed. So many resources and opportunities are made available every week and this new redesign will provide them with a more robust platform to reach the community around them.
The Joy Village
People are the heart and soul of CSLDallas and one area they really wanted to build out in this new redesign was their children and teen’s program. The old site had all of JOY Village condensed into one page that wasn’t showcasing how extensive this program truly is. Now parents can have easy access to program and activity information, and visitors have a more accurate idea of what is available for their children. Here is an example of Old vs Redesigned Joy Village:
I love working with Hooked on Code! Their team is so creative, responsive, patient, and professional!