We have a need to display Breadcrumbs on a client website on posts but not pages. The nice thing about showing breadcrumbs on posts is it will show the Post Categories, which was our particular need. There are lots of options for displaying Breadcrumbs on a Divi theme site, but we went with Aspen Grove Studio’s Divi Breadcrumbs plugin because we have a Lifetime License to their site (we can’t say enough how much we love companies that offer lifetime licenses!).
Head to https://aspengrovestudios.com/product/divi-breadcrumbs/ to buy a license (check out all the site offers and consider the Lifetime Membership – at this time it’s $279).
Once you install it you’ll have to enter your license key, and then you can change settings in the Customizer (in your Dashboard > Appearance > Theme Customizer).
If you want to show the breadcrumbs on posts only (hide on pages), add this code to your the Custom CSS (at the bottom of the Divi Theme Options page) or in your Child Theme’s style.css file.
[cc lang=”css”] /* hide divi breadcrumbs on pages */.page .ds_dbreadcrumbs_create_div {
Interesting plugin from aspengrovestudios. Thank you Torre Capistran