Vague But Exciting – Dave Rupert
Tim Burners-Lee is the creator of the World Wide Web. He’s the creator of the reason we are all here! The WWW is AWESOME! When he wrote a proposal about the world wide web, his boss gave him feedback saying “vague but exciting…” These words can...
Adaptive Content, Context, and Controversy – Karen McGrane
The values that make the web great as a medium are its adaptability, fluidity, accessibility. It can be accessed on every type of device and every type of browser. It naturally works this way, as long as we don’t break it. This can be summed up by the idea of there...
Compassionate Design – Eric Meyer
6 months after his daughter Rebecca’s funeral, he went on Facebook and saw a ‘your year in review’ celebration with Rebecca’s face in the middle of it. How could this have happened? Who was that design meant for? Certainly not someone who had lost a child. Perhaps for...The Five Meetings – Kevin M. Hoffman
Kevin runs ‘Seven Heads’ agency @kevinmhoffman sevenheadsdesign.com Used to work at Happy Cog with Jeffrey and Jaimee and others. DESIGNING MEETINGS He’s spent the last decade of his career examining meetings, what makes them go well, what...