How To Find A Web Agency You’ll Wanna Marry, Part 1
Article originally posted on LinkedIn If you are one more missed deadline or unexpected invoice away from firing your web agency, take a deep breath and get ready for some structured and cathartic planning. I promise, reliable web agencies that are actually fun to...
5 Reasons to Dump Your Web Agency
The web industry blows my mind, and I love working in it. My job is wonderful. Sadly, there are many elements of the client experience within the web industry that are everything but wonderful. Much of this dark side is justified by ‘standard practices,’ because,...
Workplace Culture: How to Welcome New Team Members the HOC Way
In the next few weeks, Hooked On Code will welcome two new team members and I thought I’d let you in on one of the ways we like to welcome employees. Some background first; we like to refer to ourselves as “unicorns,” which is an industry term used to describe awesome...
What Makes a ‘GOOD’ Website?
I work in a field that has a very BROAD interpretation of ‘good’ depending on who you ask. I don’t think any website developer or creator would admit their work sucks… but sometimes it does. So how do you, someone who is NOT in the website industry, know good from...